The fruits of our labour

12 Goodgymers helped their local community in Liverpool
Eimear McClafferty
George Bateman
Char Binns
Pauline Harrison
John Connaghan
Christina Donovan
Katie Liew
Becky Selman
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Monday 24th September 2018

Char Binns
Char Binns


Katie Liew
Katie Liew


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Report written by Char Binns

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Our twinkling 12 helped out at Everton Park on a perfect Autumn evening.

After a last minute task cancellation, Friends of Everton Park stepped in to offer us another excellent task. At the end of a bright Autumn day we ran just over 2km to meet John, Ahmed and Ian who were ready with tools, water, gloves and freshly picked bunches of grapes. The task was to work in the orchard area of the park, clearing the ground around fruit trees.

As most of the team worked in the orchard, Becky and George went with John to collect buckets of compost. Bringing them back in the car, the team then carried the compost up numerous steps to the orchard ledge, spread it around the trunks of the trees.

Sadly there was a sting to the tale when a couple of wasps nests were found round the orchard meaning that we couldn't get as much work done as we'd have liked for fear of the team's safety.

Climbing the stairs to the viewing platform, the view from the park over the city never fails to impress. Tonight it was especially beautiful as the sun was setting. George led us in a high paced fitness session that was so much fun a group of local youth decided to join in. As we ran back to base it was almost dark outside (for the first time in GoodGym Liverpool's short history) reminding us that we're going to need head torches next week.

A big shout out to George for leading an ace fitness session in preparation for becoming a fully trained Run Leader. And a shout out to Katie too who was our trusty back marker AND who celebrated her 100th Parkrun this week - what a star!

Next week we'll be helping out at a really interesting task - the Quaker Burial Ground - which is normally closed to the public. We'll be bagging fallen leaves - so bring your gloves and your head torch and don't forget to sign-up.

See you next time <3

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