Wednesday 12th August 2015
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Meanwhile in the capital 11 of us head deep into a secret location for our last week with you me bum bum train lifting and shifting things that we just can't talk about. However what we can talk about is You me bum bum train immersive' ness will be coming to a location near you real soon.
After 40mins grafting we heading to a near by square or it may have been an oval shape yard, split into two teams and began the race of our leaves. One team running clockwise the other team running anti clockwise each lap one person dropping out. The aim of the game? FUN and of course to make those legs of ours burn as you know the moment something becomes a competition you all want to win.
Join us next week for more hard graft and a whole lot of smiling.
Spend half an hour on a Friday evening doing something amazing