The Three Musketeers who volunteer with their sheers.

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Colchester
Sally Howard
Ella J
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Sunday 23rd May 2021

Sally Howard
Sally Howard



Ella J
Ella J






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Report written by Tav (he/him)

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Goodgym Colchester have supported Headway in promoting some of their fund-raising activities in the past and prior to the pandemic we were due to support them to marshal Colchester Half Marathon. So our first Community Mission task was a special one. (the second will be even better).

The Headway Centre is an oasis hidden in the midst of the Colchester United stadium, a new housing estate and the building sites of more houses. I am so glad it is there and serving the community for people with brain injuries. Indeed Ella and I took a few wrong turns on our bikes and Sally too in her car but we found it and got to work!

We mowed, weeded and swept and hopefully made a difference. The front porch area was grouted and de-weeded, the lawn was mown as far as the electric lead would allow and we stuffed a few bags full of garden waste. It is always a good sign when a curious and grateful Robin snaps up the bugs that we uncovered! As we gardened we chatted about the new freedoms we have currently as it seems many people are going to pubs and restaurants!

The weather was on our side and we avoided any rain and we look forwarded to work underneath the beautiful ancient tree!

On another note I broke a GG tradition and used the timer to take a photo instead of a selfie! As controversial as Russia's Eurovision entry right?

This task supported
Improving lives after head injury

In Essex, every 58 minutes, somebody is admitted to hospital with an acquired brain injury. As a charity, our mission is to ensure that everyone in Essex living with an acquired brain injury can live a fulfilling life and that families and carers are better able to cope within their caring roles.

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Leaf clearing and weeding
🗓Tuesday 11th March 6:45pm

Help keep paths clear of trip hazards for elderly residents

Ella JLouiseFrazer
3 GoodGymers are going