We'ed better stick together

11 Goodgymers helped their local community in Barnet
Pennie Varvarides
Nicola Da Silva
Paul Salman
Rob Riley
Lucy Victor
Avital Wittenberg
Vicki Bakhshi
Fay McKnight
Removed User
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Tuesday 20th March 2018

Pennie Varvarides
Pennie Varvarides



Barnet runner



Paul Salman
Paul Salman


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Report written by Pennie Varvarides

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This week 11 marvelous GoodGym-ers ran 6km to clear weeds in the dark for a local care home.

We were joined by GG tourist Lucy - Give her a cheer!

After a quick warm up in front of the Phoenix we headed off towards Dell Fields, with Damian leading the pack and Paul our trusty back-marker.

As expected, the garden was pitch black on arrival. Luckily most of the runners remembered their torches! Working in pairs, the group got to work weeding the flower beds and tidying up between the tiles. Darkness can't stop us.

20 minutes of hard graft later and it was time to tidy our things and get in a quick conditioning circuit. Damian had requested I show him commando planks earlier in the day, so we worked through a few of those, mixed in with press ups and squats, to build a strong trunk to carry us through all the running (and the weeding).

We said our goodbyes and headed outside, where we paused for a quick teaching moment on foot positioning before heading off. This time I lead the gang, while Damian was our back-marker. Nicola, Avital and Lucy kept me company up front, giving me a chance to remind them to push off their back foot and pick their feet up. A lesson Nicola momentarily forgot along the way, which lead to the longest stumble of all time - but with a fantastic recovery. Well caught!

Once back at base we did all the stretching followed by chocolate digestives, courtesy of Paul.

I have two Tuesdays left in charge of Barnet, so please do come along and see me! And feel free to follow me the gram @SuperPennie to stay in touch!

This week's pun, courtesy of Rob

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Helping historical house and gardens (charity park) in North London.
🗓Tuesday 11th March 6:45pm

Improving the environment and getting fit

George TtoouliPaul SalmanSubham BasuKubilay Kara
4 GoodGymers are going