Sunday 17th March 2024
Report written by Dave White
Lots of fiery fun at the scout hut this morning! Our main mission was to clear an area that had been the collection point for a load of garden waste, tree branches, old wood, logs, etc. We set to it with a few scouts and scout-parent volunteers to help us along the way. We lifted & shifted all the material to the bonfire patch at the end of the plot and then the scout leaders did what they do best... had a big old fire. Very satisfying to see so much change over the course of a couple of hours and the scouts provided some most welcome sausage and bacon sarnies for lunch when the work was done. Yum.
At the moment we are hoping to prepare a flowerbeds at the front of our hut so that it can be planted with shrubs,bedding plants and bulbs by the members.
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Let's get this not-for-profit outdoor centre shipshape