Wednesday 16th May 2018
Report written by Paul Bown
19 GoodGymers helped St Mary's Flats and Cecil Sharp House with some gardening!!
Welcome along to Anna, Tom and Jill whose first time it was last night - lovely to have you along :)
In the news this week:
Cecil Sharp:
This week we had two wonderful tasks in our beautiful Camden. A team led by Rosie and Kat headed to the Home of English Folk Music Cecil Sharp House to help maintain the gardens. We've been helping Susannah the Head Gardener there for nearly two years, she is always so appreciative of our efforts and the impact we have. Like a lot of places Cecil Sharp had it's funding cut from Camden Council so the charity now survives on using it's spaces for events.
Folking around
A team of 10 got really stuck into the gardening; clearing the weeds between the cracks with the best tool in town and sweeping up the pathways. Over 30 minutes the team had made a massive impact.
St Mary's:
Meanwhile nine of us headed the long way to help St Mary's Flats, we've helping Jon and the community group there for over four years - it's always good to return. Chris and Alysson got to work forking the ground around a tree to loosen it up before planting some ivy and flowers with compost. The rest of the team cleared two gardens of weeds so the residents can use them in the summer, Tom even found some potatoes!
After we'd packed up and taken a group photo we headed for a run along Camley Street, the canal and a progression run around Granary Square before heading home.
Thanks to Rosie's the post-run biscuits - yum!
Next week we are going to be helping Groundwork and Castlehaven - sign up here!
PB out.
English folk music and dance arts centre and venue staging live shows, with an archive and library. We help to maintain the garden space.
See moreCamden
Lismore Circus (near Camden's Gospel Oak) is a wonderful gem of hidden green > we'll be helping the local community care for this space :)