Sunday 30th October 2022
Report written by Jer Boon
We’d scheduled a Group Run to Batheaston Secret Garden, which given its (not entirely secret) location made for a decent distance run - nevertheless three of us turned up for this fun mission.
On arrival at the garden our first task was to wander up the road and fetch a little mini shed thing with somebody had donated to the garden. First problem was to get the shed out of the donor’s garden and given it was too big for their garden gate, that involved lifting it over a wall onto the adjacent garage roof and then trying to get it down from the roof.
That challenge overcome, we next had to carry it down the Batheaston high street for a few hundred yards, as the pavement was hemmed in by cars and therefore too narrow an option.
Most of the car drivers were helpful - I guess a shed blocking the road isn’t too common a sight, even in Batheaston!
After that we did a spot of replanting, and then set to work weaving a wicker enclosure - a funky new addition to this fun little garden.
And then we ran home again.
Improve the habitat and park for visitors