Weed or no weed? Yup... that's weed.

34 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Nick Baker
David Head
Anjali Mullick
Kate Ingham
Eve Payne
Kim Dowsett
Kayleigh Rees
daniel duckworth
Lisa Elliott
David Schlaphorst
Alicia Rodriguez
Sioned Haughton
Yizhuo Zhang
Suzan uzel
Nick Mhlanga
Gareth Price
Martin Clarkson Webb
Sarah Hunt
Wilfred Calder-Potts
Jenny Spencer-Nairn
Matthew Wrench
El Walker
Cat McLaughlin
Caitlin Ballard
Martha K Redman
Pru Comben
1 / 19

Tuesday 16th June 2015

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On a lovely warm night 33 runners met at the Folk House for another spot of running and doing good!

Our tasks were threefold (or so we thought!) - 1) put up a chair swing for an older person. 2) Weed a bit of Bristol. 3) Weed another part of Bristol. Our numbers were many and our feet were fleet, so we sped off south to do our bit for our fair city.

At a suitable spot we split up in to groups and went our separate ways. Group 1 revisited an older person who had previously needed some help moving some pots. Now she needed help putting up a chair swing. Gary, Nick and Kate did a fantastic job, even though there was a screw missing - just look at the photos to see how great that swing is. Nice work.

Group 2 headed off to return to help the Patchwork Project with a bit of land we've been to several times now. Sadly weeds have reclaimed it so a lot of us set to and started to pull them up with abandon, however there were another 2 tasks for us here - this run suddenly became a 5 task feast! So task 2a was to go and do some flyering, and 2b was to go to yet another patch of Bristol (not far away!) and do some digging.

Group 2a headed off to pass out flyers about a forthcoming garden event, and Group 2b trotted off with trowels and gloves but in not time returned - a drunkard was apparently occupying the space they intended to dig and didn't want to give it up! It was a good job in a way as the weeds were at times taller than our tallest tall person, and we needed all hands on deck to make an impact.

Group 3 was let by Kim who guided them expertly over to close to Victoria Park. She was going to write some stuff and pop it in here but it's not turned up!

With such a large group, it was a good job that we had 4 1/2 different tasks to do - it really shows that many hands do make light work, and when spread over different tasks we can help not just one part of the community but several. A big thank you as always to everyone who came to the run. Keep coming, bring your friends, bring your enemies and become friends whilst digging over an unloved allotment, or just bring yourself and all awesomeness that makes you a member of GoodGym!

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Friday Farm Frolics
🗓Today 8:00am

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

Jade CahillJason ThorneCharles PickeringCaroline
4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀