Tuesday 13th March 2018
Report written by Katie Welford
We did a nice warm up and then split off into a long run and short run groups. George C took the long runners off on a nice 5km loop around Brockwell Park.
The rest of us headed 1.5km up to Brixton Windmill. This historic building is a hidden gem and the surrounding gardens are used to grow wheat and hops. Our job was to fill up three big tubs with soil and remove and replant some shrubbery.
It's good enough. Said Jean
High praise indeed.
People got digging, wheelbarrowing and moving the soil with their hands. As the long run group turned up, we had nearly finished so we left a small number there with Jean to finish up. The rest headed back to base and went through some running drills. The focus was on keeping the body forward and hips high when running, with our feet falling under our body.
After some nice stretches, we headed off home.
The Friends of Windmill Gardens (FoWG) were formed in 2003 with three aims: * to get the Grade II listed Brixton Windmill restored and opened for public visits – in 2002 it had been put on English Heritage's buildings at risk register; * to make Windmill Gardens park a more welcoming space for local people; * to have a new education centre at the windmill. Windmill Gardens gained a Green Flag Community Award in 2015 and we have just been judged again so our fingers are crossed that we will retain the award for the next two years.
See moreLambeth
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