You take my breath away

23 Goodgymers helped their local community in Slough
Liv Parker-Scott
Jenni H
Manjit Birk
Harsha Burton
Nisha Bilkhu
Ricky Kloay
Sandy Dhaliwal
Jo G
Keira Paupiah
Pam Banga
Gail Morton
Brendar Dassaur
Naomi Mallett
Nital Patel
1 / 30

Sunday 14th February 2021

Manjit Birk
Manjit Birk


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Report written by Manjit Birk

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Wow! What an effort...well done to you all for all your km, miles, strava heart arts and heart photos! Sterling effort!

We even made it onto BBC Radio Berkshire with this Valentines Training Session.

So lets get down to business of the Lovely Dovey Awards

  • Best Family Affair

A few contenders here but the award has to go to Harsha for her daughter run, son run and hubby run - all in the name of love. She even found a heart shaped tree and drew a heart on the snow.

  • Topsey Turvey Heart

Well done Claire for turning Windsor on its head! Great effort in the Great Park!

  • Most Symmetrical Heart

This can only go to Danny and Kat from London! Loving the North London 14k route (miss living there!)

  • Smallest Heart

I think Sutyee and I battled for this award....we clearly need to find bigger green spaces for our Strava Hearts! But the award must go to Sut...mine heart was slightly larger!

  • Best Collage

No doubts here - Sutyee gets this one for her efforts in getting ALL her family across the UK to snapshot a heart fingers photo!

  • Best use of children

Nisha gets this one for the cute Neha and Arjun heart human body art shot!

  • Longest Heart

This most definately goes to Liv for her 14 mile long heart shaped route!

  • Two Hearts

I award myself this one! for finding two heart shaped routes on my 14 mile run, plus finding two appropriately named roads - Love Lane and Love Green Lane!

  • Best Love - Heart

Goes to Ricky for his LOVE art!

Well done to you all though on making this a fun packed challenge.

I can heartly wait to see you all again!

Manjit xxx

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