A Very Special Clinic!

3 Goodgymers helped their local community in Portsmouth
Emma G
Tracy Dean

Wednesday 31st March 2021

Portsmouth runner


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Report written by Portsmouth runner

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This morning's team was made up of Tracy, Emma and John. This was Emma's first clinic as a GG'er, so a bit of a special occasion today. A very warm welcome to you after a bit of stealth recruiting ;-) Keep it under your hat!

The clinic opened really early this morning to enable Solent NHS staff to get vaccinated. So some 2nd vaccinations going to some very special key workers. Having self tested at home, both John and Tracy arrived just before 8am. It was a bit odd to see so many people already in the marquee and waiting room. We both felt like we were late for school and we quickly got signed in just in case someone decided to send us to the special corner (back gate).

John and Tracy soon joined Emma at the front door where Emma was on temperature duties. Tracy manned the front door, while John marshaled the car park. A special front of house team here this morning.

Tracy informed one patient that she was going to ask a couple of questions, to which he quickly replied "I haven't got any money." A Jessie J tune sprang to mind with some slightly altered lyrics - "It's not about the money, money, money! It's all about the Covid jab, Covid jab!" Fortunately Tracy got him processed quickly and he was subjected to the new special lyrics.

A lady was told that she shouldn't really be parked in the lay by next to Ian Gibson House as parking there had been suspended and she might get a ticket. She replied with "It's OK I have a blue badge. I'll wait for Mum over there." After returning to her car she thought better of John's advice and moved to the clinic car park. During her wait she paid some very special attention to a van and two cars that had parked in the lay by and was asked by one of the drivers why she was taking photos of her car. This very special lady did leave John and Tracy with big under mask grins on their faces.

Towards the end of the shift some very special volunteers were invited in for 1st/2nd vaccinations. Tracy had disappeared from the front door but was later to be found in the special tent which had just been given some special treatment by some firemen and a ladder (a few loose wing nuts had been spotted).

All in all, a good mornings work and the team were relieved of duties by Judy, Lynn & Chloe.

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Judy Knapp

Thu 1st Apr 2021 at 10:07am

'You're so f***ing special; I wish I was special'! (Radiohead)

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