Wednesday 1st January
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by York runner
Ten eager beaver GG’s met at Holgate allotments on New Years Day to get the January Challenge off to a rolling start.
It was a task that could have been managed by a handful, but as it’s January we may as well see how many goodgymmer’s it takes to shovel a pile of bark chip.
After lots of chat, sharing of the one shovel (there were plenty of spades but only one official shovel), a few selfies with other GG’s in whilst doing good and some squats for good measure, we’d all managed to complete plenty of the January Challenge Bingo squares. Wait, I mean, we’d managed to shift the bark chip into bags into the van ready to be taken to our tiny forest.
Then we said our goodbyes as a few set off to run to the next task (I told you they were eager beavers).
Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)