Monday 10th September 2018
Report written by York runner
GG Yorkies split into three teams to complete different tasks across the city!
Paul's Team
Paul led one group to Gale Farm Court, where the group had a very lovely time despite having to complete a different task to the planned one as some tools hadn't turned up. Instead of destruction, the group had to tap into their "careful and delicate side" and cleared a flower bed of weeds, as well as the surrounding paved area. The team headed back via Acomb Green with a step rep fitness session (and a little bit of playing)!
Leanne's Team
An intrepid group of 9 braved the Hob Moor maze of exits (and found the right one first time!) to make a return visit to Corlett Court. Our task was to clear a giant raised bed containing bushes, a carpet of ivy and a self seeding Buddleia that we were under strict instructions to preserve. After some initial enthusiastic hand-pulling of ivy, we discovered some undercover spikes which made everyone a lot more cautious.
It's like acupuncture and a workout all in one! (Laurence)
There were all manner of 'treasures' to be found in the undergrowth, including two large bags of litter, a pint glass, a glittery ball and a child's shoe. BadGym Tim even managed to find a whole arsenal of weapons including a selection of iron bars and half a nunchuck!
As our time came to an end, Craig and Aidan had fun trying to cram a massive sack of green waste into the back of a car while the rest of the crew tidied around.
Our trip back across Hob Moor included a very smoothly run Indian File workout, peppered with many warnings of "cowpat!". Then it was back to base to join the other groups for the cool down.
My '4km' Team
John didn't believe me when I said it was 4km, and he was right. Either way, we had a nice, gentle group run over to Low Moor Allotments and focused on two plots in desperate need of clearing.
On one plot, the team cleared enough greenery and found an old wooden shed, which were were told not to demolish in case the new allotment owner decided to restore it. Mitch was gutted.
I could've done that with my bare hands!
On the second plot, the team worked methodically down towards the end and ended up with an enormous pile of green stuff and another pile of random objects such as old plastic chairs, long-lost tools and even a washing-up bowl. There was an amazing moment where some weedguard needed pulled up and more and more people joined in to help, like a giant tarpy tug-of-war.
The team finished by almost fully deconstructing the frame of an old greenhouse, but we were out of time so headed back for a quick group photo. It became a very long group photo because we were offered a lot of apples and everybody felt like having a snack stop.
We ran back via some quick step-ups, mountain climbers and single-leg sits before joining all the other teams back at base!