Wednesday 31st May 2023
Report written by Stu
With the glimmer of warmer weather coming to the UK, 8 Goodgymers met up to clear the spring flowers from 10 large tubs ready for the summer blooms on Colchester’s iconic High Street. In fairness the warm weather hadn’t quite arrived so we all set to work on vigorous clearing to keep ourselves warm. Pam delivered recycling bags and garden tools to all of us and Frazer wielded a fork to loosen the existing roots. With 10 tubs to fork, clear, weed and litter pick we had our work cutout for us to complete the task in time. Pam, resplendent in a shiny new car, realised that she’d have to do multiple journeys to the compost pile so we could have a steady supply of empty sacks. As usual there was friendly banter with town goers intrigued to know what we were up to. Our answer was “take a look tomorrow, the tubs will be full of wonderful summer colour”, Colchester in Bloom once again. With all the clearing up done, except for the cheeky rook flinging the fresh soil back out of the tubs in search of juicy worms, we said our farewells and made our way home.
Mission Colchester in Bloom: our mission is to generate community involvement in making Colchester a more beautiful place to live and wor. A blooming Colchester will creates that feel good factor which will contribute towards social and economic vitality.
See moreFri 2nd Jun 2023 at 12:06pm
Best title.........ever
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