Saturday 3rd November 2018
Report written by Paul Becker (he/him)
Its a long old way to StreetGoat. Especially when they close all the crossings and you have to navigate a way all round Temple Meads roundabout. Luckily we had some super strong running today going on today and so we were only a couple of minutes late by the time we got to the allotments.
I'm not going to dwell on my reunion with my favourite Nanny goat Lily but it was certainly a special moment and she was clearly very happy to see me again. Good to see lots of others also taking an opportunity to get in a quick photo and petting opportunity with some of the goats as our time with them was a little fleeting today.
However, to balance the absence of goat we had FIRE. And BOW SAWS. And LOPPERS. And PRUNING SAWS. And a potential health and safety minefield. (The like of which hasn't been see since we bashed up a shed from the roof downwards last year)
So as I got my accident book out ready, everyone spread out around an enormous pile of sticks and branches to cut them to size and dispose of them on the nearby bonfire. As people worked through they looked out for any larger sturdier branches that could be made to us a fence and put them to one side.
With only about half an hour available to us, we still managed to make a huge dent in the pile and I'm please to report that there were no accidents so kudos to everyone for sawing and burning in such a professional manner.
The run back was a little easier as its mostly downhill so we got back in good time to wish Darren 'Happy Birthday' and head back to Mud Dock to share enojoy the cakes that he and Izzy brought along today.