Tights, Camera, Action!

9 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Paul Redmond
David Head
1 / 9

Saturday 15th October 2016

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9 GoodGym runners ran 8.5km to Easton Community Garden to do some gardening and help paint their new shed.

It was a special GoodGym run today for two reasons.

Firstly, we were joined by Tom with his camera, taking some footage for a BBC documentary about volunteer groups in Bristol.

Secondly, we were heading off to one of our favourite venues, the Easton Community Garden, where we had previously helped with the clear up following a fire which had destroyed the shed and toilet at the Allotment. When we had last visited, the shell of the new shed had been erected but still some way off being finished.

Meeting at Roll For The Soul, we welcomed newcomer, Claire, who was joining us for her first run - well done Claire, we hope you enjoyed your first GoodGym experience!

We also welcomed back David after his 8 month stint in Italy - good to have you back with us David!

Tom set up his camera to record our introductions, warm up and set off on our run and we headed out up the Bristol to Bath Cycle path for our task.

We were then filmed as we headed off the cycle path and then into the Community Garden.

On arrival we were greeted by the lovely Cristina and were amazed to see the completed new shed; such a heartwarming story of the local community getting together to supply recycled and surplus wood and build the shed.

We had one group tasked with painting the ceiling of the new shed, quite a delicate task to avoid painting the beams as well!

Two other groups were involved with carefully removing the netting from a gooseberry bush and cherry trees - another delicate job to try and keep the netting intact and a good example of GoodGym teamwork coming to the fore!

With the netting work done the groups were allocated fresh gardening tasks, whilst the painting teams continued with their brushes.

Our hour at the task absolutely flew by - great work done by all - and with Tom filming our departure we headed back to base stopping briefly for a few squats and planks on the way.

The task and running completed, it was time for some stretches and some well earned sustenance at Roll For The Soul.

Well done everyone, great work today and big thanks to Gary for backmarking!

Discuss this report
Chris Bennett

Sun 16th Oct 2016 at 9:45am

Sounds like a great run. Welcome back David!

Alice Whale

Sun 16th Oct 2016 at 12:43pm

Good job guys! Can't wait to see the new shed in all its glory!

Join us on our next session


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🗓Today 8:00am

Our local community farm is tidier for the enjoyment of all

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4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀