A Plastic Classic !!

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in Lambeth
Tilly Baker Hine
Katie Allan
1 / 3

Tuesday 4th February





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Report written by Yianny (he / him)

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Another chilly evening down in Brixton but that wouldn't keep our intrepid GGers away from their group session!

Dan showed his commitment and shook off his back injury to come down and was joined by Katie and Tilly for our regular recycling collection session supporting Greenpeace's Everyday Plastic initiative.

Once the group had finished a detailed discussion of age related back ailments and stretches we set off on a pleasant 3km loop to get warmed up and then as we arrived back dived straight into our task.

This session is a simple one - grab as much recyclable material as we can find littering the streets of Lambeth and get it into recycling bins - this then avoids it being swept into rubbish collection and going to landfill!

By the end of the session we had stuffed two black bags with recyclable material and put them into recycling bins - a job well done. Big thanks to all and Dan I owe you a pack of sweet treats!!

This task supported
GoodGym Lambeth
Get Fit. Do Good.
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Taking in and Sorting donations for Get Rid Of & Donate - Can You Help ?!!
🗓Sunday 23rd February 2:00pm

Clothes will go to refugees, rough sleepers and vulnerable families

Rachel Strachan
One GoodGymer is going