Not just a Good Friday, an Awesome Friday!

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Melanie Young
Roz Glover
Anna Kopmels-Markland
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Friday 2nd April 2021

Melanie Young
Melanie Young


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Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

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Bright and early on a bank holiday, some people like to have a lie in and others want to get out of bed and do something less boring instead.

Like go to the farm and chop/rake compost and then feed the sheep, new ewe and Pip the Pygmy goat, whilst saying hello to Haze, the cow.

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This task supported
Windmill Hill City Farm
A place where people grow

Windmill Hill City Farm is a charity that provides recreation, education and therapy using food, farming and the environment as a theme.

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Group Run/Walk - 11 Mar - Bric-a-Brac Bonanza
🗓Tuesday 6:20pm

We’re sorting and recycling to help raise funds to help people out of honelessness

Harsheh Raj
Richard BreakspearRamani LachyanJordan James Cogzell
7 GoodGymers are going - 23 spaces left! 👀