We wood(chip)have come this way!

10 Goodgymers helped their local community in Ealing
Alexander Kasi
Alex Schatz
Ankit sharan
Ian Smith
Lisa Rattray
Lucinda Toole
Emma Sian
Chris Howell
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Tuesday 21st February 2017

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Wowsaaaaa 10 amazing Goodgymmers ran a massive 9km! To help at St Dunstan's Allotments, an allotment site used by some older and less mobile people. Now they can more safely use their allotments and keep gardening and be happy!

And what a night for the newbie runners! Welcome Lucinda, Sylvia, Ian and Chris! You were all awesome coming on quite a longer run for your first GoodGym and you did an amazing job!

So it was a quick warm up, some countdown sprints and we were off! Venturing into unknown territory and towards Acton! It was a good opportunity for a nice chat and before we knew it we were at the A40! AND managed to recruit a new GoodGymmer hehe, good work there Emma too!

Then the allotments proved a bit hard to find, it was quite an allotmenty area so we did in the end manage about an extra 1k hehe, but its all good and everyone just took it in their stride and then got to work with mega energy at the task.

We were met by the lovely Rhea who set us to work, shifting some woodchip bags and clearing a path and she was so happy at how quickly the team sorted through everything...you bunch of legends! Also, for the first time on about 20 GG runs, my phone died! So Alex was honourary photographer for the evening and then Ankit was honourary 'check googlemaps to make sure we're heading in the right direction' person hehe.

So a couple of us saw a part of Acton we had never seen before which is always nice to find a new little area. We sped up Uxbridge road on the way back, with a bit of a run-walk too for some which is always a great way to train and build up your pace.

Everyone did absolutely amazing work, I can't wait to see you next week and don't forget, pub afterwards next week!! Sign up here.

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Tea Shift at ESK 🍵🍰☕& Food Handling(Sandwiches, prep food bags)
🗓Today 11:00am

Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services

One GoodGymer is going - no space left 😢