Monday 23rd July 2018
Report written by Tom Mutton
Oh what a night!
It was a scorcher! But despite this we had a great turn out inc Kat, who was on her 100th good deed and so received the now customary garb of the @GGSHEFF wings and hat and she pulled it off marvelously!
This week we were back off to Heeley People's Park to continue with much needed help that Heeley Development Trust are in need of now that the summer sun is here to stay and Rob is the only Parkie on site to manage all of the huge and fantastic space the park has to offer.
With a quick overview done we got straight to work splitting into TASK FORCE TEAMS lead by;
A great team effort was put in by all, with some putting in some sprints to make our time as effective as poss, nice one!
After saying our goodbyes we formed a circle and had an alternative game of duck, duck goose that involved sprints and various plank positions.
Next we split into 2 teams and formed a long line of high planks for the complete team to commando crawl through in a race to be the victorious team!
On route back we chucked in some sprint and returns and stair sets for good measure.
Until next week, happy running!
Heeley Development Trust (HDT) is a small, charitable development trust, founded by local volunteers, business people & residents in 1996. We have delivered youth, community, environmental and economic development projects in and around our neighbourhood for the last 20 years. We are working hard, developing a diverse range of income, social enterprises and assets, all with the aim of making Heeley a great place to live, with a real sense of place, pride and community. Our projects include; Heeley People's Park, Sum Studios (saving a Grade 2 listed Victorian School and redeveloping as managed work space – this is bringing jobs and investment into our community), The Heeley Voice - a local magazine and Recycle Bikes – a social enterprise supporting disengaged young people to gain training, confidence, work experience and jobs. If you are interested in any of our projects, would like to get involved or are willing to volunteer any of your time please do not hesitate to contact us or give us your feedback.
See moreTue 24th Jul 2018 at 4:45pm
This is a most excellent pun!
Improve biodiversity and help kids engage with nature