Monday 16th September 2024
Report written by Kim
Double task night which meant we had a couple of people heading to Florence Green to tackle the watering and the rest of us heading to RUSS Community Housing to tackle the weeding. And a couple of us had just come from TRAID. We were helping so many wonderful organisations last night.
It was Lindsay's 50th good deed this evening. Congratulations, we can't wait to see you sporting that black tshirt soon!!
Onto the tasks both were a short run away. At Florence Green there was lots of watering the saplings.
At RUSS there was lots of heaving lifting! We had soil to shift, giant piles of weeds to shift and woodchip to shift but we got it all done and made excellent progress on the woodchip!
Vic and Sarah made excellent progress on the weeding except when it got too dark and they could no longer tell what was a weed and what was a small tree.
We then created my favourite group run photo ever which was unplanned and then some of us headed to Mamma Dough for some post-group run pizza!
Don't forget we have a lot of weekend sessions at RUSS if anyone fancies it.
It's also definitely head torch time of year now and I will be bringing the lights for outdoor tasks.
This is a co-project between two community groups - our aim is to create a sustainable green space for both our community groups to share, improve community relations, increase friendships and less isolation to enhance wellbeing.
See moreTue 17th Sep 2024 at 5:19pm
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