Wednesday 23rd August 2023
Report written by Sarah
8 Goodgymmers, 2 kids and one puppy joined Paul and Gus in Loughborough to help out at the Tiny Forest on Holt Drive.
Taking part in yoga, Nick's double helping for the morning, we then set to work to locate 100 trees with small blue tags with a metal disc. Kim, Oliver and Ashley went straight in, the kids sending Kim in first to check for any spikey weeds and nettles, wise trick there! They found one with Oliver then finding another, think it pays to be small in this game. With lots of hunting around Dave came to the conclusion that maybe the magpies like the shiney discs because we only found 3 in total.
Everyone enjoyed being out in the fresh air and lovely to meet one of our newest members' puppy Nova she was just the cutest along with Gus of course. Weldone team so far the event most supported by Goodgymmers, was great to meet Paul and Gus and find out ablout the fantastic work going on with Tiny Forest, weldone Mel on another round of fantastic photos.
Thu 24th Aug 2023 at 11:01am
Thanks to all those Goodgymers who came along to the Tiny Forest, Holt Drive! It is a lovely Tiny Forest, next to a well used footpath, in a nice residential area. great turnout! as we had eight Goodgym members, five signups and around 12 preschool children with their two teachers. I really enjoyed doing the yoga with the preschool children. Sorry it was a bit more orientated towards them, but I hope you guys had fun as well. I have reported the tag situation to earthwatch!
Thu 24th Aug 2023 at 1:10pm
well done all, great read
Brand new superstore with lots of donations to prepare for the shelves