Saturday 15th July 2023
Report written by Adam Stephens
Our monthly visit to the RFS saw six Good Gymers contend with variable weather conditions.
The Good Gymers included Lor who was attending her first ever Good Gym session, while Divya braved the blustery weather by cycling from Hammersmith.
Once everyone arrived RFS’s Simon briefed us about the task which consisted of chopping back the overgrown plum tree and tidying up the weeds and ivy.
We set about the clear up in good spirits despite the frequent July showers which made us run for cover to the shop. Your’s truly once again forgot his rain coat!
While we were there we also had unexpected help in the form of a friendly local cat, who was not shy in giving his expert advice. Snails and an array of spiders also made consistent appearances.
Nevertheless, despite the challenges, we were able to successfully chop, clear and bag up the rubbish, leaving it in a much tidier state.
See below link for RFS August sign up.
Welcome to Richmond Furniture Scheme. Your local furniture recycling charity based in Twickenham, where you can find good value for money and quality second-hand furniture! Richmond Furniture Scheme is a small charitable organisation set up to help people in need by collecting donated furniture in good condition from the Richmond borough area and reusing it. A small charge is made to those people that are referred. But to ensure that all donated furniture is reused, and to help make the Scheme more self-sufficient, the Scheme is open to sell furniture to all people residing in the Richmond Borough.
See moreSun 16th Jul 2023 at 6:18pm
Looks like ALL the weather! Lovely report Adam 😁
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