A scythe for saw eyes

26 Goodgymers helped their local community in Lambeth
Katie Welford
Lauren Limb
Sophie H
Lucy Ranson
Alex Watkins
Steve Jenkins
John Hunter
Amelia Paltenghi
Aislin Mageean
Dawn Gibson
Isabel Sloman
Beth Hoskins
James Kerry-Barnard
Sophie Goodfellow
Alice Clerkin
Michael Welsh
Tom Benson
Removed User
George Clarkson
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Tuesday 20th June 2017

Katie Welford
Katie Welford


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Report written by Katie Welford

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26 lovely runners braved the heat to smash out THREE tasks across Lambeth!

First up, big well done to Issy who got her wings t-shirt today. Hooray!

It was a scorcher in Lambeth and we had THREE tasks to be getting on with.

Task 1 was 1 mile down Brixton Road to Holland Park Estate. Our job was to saw some wood, find the ends of some terrible bind weed, and do some serious watering. We also began to make a tiered garden bolstered up by big logs to stop the soil all falling down.

Task 2 was a bit further to Loughborough Junction, where Beth had this to say: A team of eight headed off on a short run to Loughborough Junction farm where we were joined by Oli, an ex-goodgym Lambeth runner who was so taken by the farm on a group run a couple of years ago that he's been volunteering there ever since. The site is owned by the council who have plans for some building work, which means a few things need to be moved around. Our task was to move as much soil as possible from one corner of the farm to another. After a solid 45 minutes of shoveling and barrowing we'd emptied one bag and made a serious dent in the others.

Task 3 was further still, up to Palace Road Nature Gardens. John was leading. Elise suggested a detour. They all got lost but then eventually found Gerry. He got some people SCYTHING! Some people did some litter picking and others swept the path so it was nice and tidy. Lovely stuff.

This task supported
Palace Road Nature Gardens
A wild oasis in Streatham

This small nature garden was created in the 1980s. It provides a varied habitat of both an open grassland and a wooded area of exotic and native trees. The pond attracts dragonflies and damselflies flying above and frogs and newts swimming below. Gerry always needs a hand to keep the paths clear of brambles and weeds and to make sure the public space can be enjoyed by everyone.

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