Sunday 15th March 2020
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Richmond runner
The world may be in lock down but it takes more than that to stop 9 Goodgymers to run for a second visit to Kingston Edible Forest Garden, although for these GGrunners it was their first time.
Kingston Edible Forest Garden - a community orchard and group allotment since 1992, they harvest from trees planted in the past, and plant for the future. There is an acre of fruit, nuts, shrubs and bushes and veg arranged as natural woodland. They also have a couple of ducks on a pond for eggs, a polytunnel, and tree nursery and propagate apple trees for schools.
Once we arrived we were greeting by the volunteer leaders Greg and Ben, who given us a briefing and explained all tasks to do, and then gather gloves and tools before heading into forest. It was nice to chat and meet another volunteer, Katherine and her dog, Rainbow.
The GG runner was divided into two groups; the first one was doing the usual gardening, such as cutting, sawing, slashing and lifting that define any decent Goodgym mission. It was a very satisfactory task to break the tree fallen on the ground in pieces and clean the path.
The other group was helping into the polytunnel, removing the bubble wrap that protects the polytunnel and heat the plants inside, as well as removing and winding the ropes that surrounding the polytunnel and pond.
Not for profit voluntary social enterprise!
See moreKingston upon Thames
Let's get this not-for-profit outdoor centre shipshape