Wednesday 25th September 2019
Report written by Brahma Pochee
Thick smoky clouds engulfed the majority of a dusk sky last night, not sufficient to scare off our red warriors.
Siobhan's 100th and Clara's 2nd GG run yesterday. We did an extra efficient intro chat, inc a pre-asked RWQ: "what phrase irks you most?" A great cathartic exercise, I thoroughly enjoyed watching us all vent. We had phrases and words from 'reaching out', 'taking it back to base camp', 'cascade it down', 'living your best life', 'genre', 'a game of two halves', the incessant use of 'like', 'no offence, but', the default use of male of pronouns and many more.
Longest run on the GGN books at the mo, 9k in total, though seemingly not a big deal for most of you. Remember a year or so back, we had a similar distance run, and was a big effort getting back. Shows how much fitter this group has got collectively, mindset change too.
Once we arrived at the hospital, weeds were yoinked out, flowers and bulbs were planted, bushes were trimmed and tidied. The Dementia garden looked miles better 25mins after you'll left. Nice one guys.
Next week we are at Manorfield School, sign up here
Before I log off, two things. Huge credit to our Siobhan, who climbed into three figures yesterday. Our intrepid traveller who's been absolutely superb in pumping out social media posts, evidencing your efforts. Good luck with your masters and see you in December mate.
Second, we've got another birthday next week, GGN turn 5, dinner and drinks after our session. Looks set to be a corking 5 year anniversary.
Have a quality weekend and catch you soon
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