Maid Angela and her Merry Men

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in Colchester
Angela Isherwood
Peter Holland
Paul Cook
Christina Grimwade
David Isherwood
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Wednesday 5th October 2016

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7 runners run to a playground and footpath to litter pick and cut back foliage

It's the first run since we’ve started where there has been a distinct chill in the air; where there was a need for hats and long sleeves, and it's the first one where it was already dark when we met. Perhaps this explained the rather lower numbers than usual. Plus four of our club are in Cologne having completed the marathon there on Sunday.

What was strange about the group, was that it was only men that came! But I’m assured that we hadn’t lost all of our female contingent to #gbbo. We did miss them though.

It's a real shame, as our task was gargantuan, but we always knew that, and knew that we would have to complete this task in several attempts. In fact, we will be returning next week.

We made our way to Rowan House, where we were to find the tools needed hidden in a special prearranged spot, and indeed we did. A nice big cricket bag full of loppers, litter pickers, gloves and bin bags.

On first view, it perhaps didn’t look like there was much litter, and the group was split into pairs with two pairs responsible for cutting vegetation back, and one pair for litter picking. However, it very quickly became apparent that this was the wrong division of labour, as a little jump over the wall lead to a real find in terms of discarded rubbish.

As I was going around taking photographs, Peter insisted I only take pictures of his good side! And I discovered Paul trying to throw my husband, David over the wall! Tav and Ian learned that 100s of cigarette butts were better picked up with a gloved hand than a litter picker, and Chris told us about his new half marathon goal. Having run 15km at the weekend, he’s not that far off, so has entered Colchester Half Marathon.

”Only photograph my good side!”

30 minutes seemed to go in no time, and the playground and path were much nicer to look at. We returned our rubbish and tools to the secret hiding place, and made our way back to the outdoor gym at leisure world for a quick circuits session. Some found this easier than last week’s hills. Others found it more difficult, but all had a good workout.

All had a good workout

Later in the evening, I received a thank you from a resident who lives nearby saying how grateful she was that we’d tidied up the play area! Isn’t it nice to know we’re making a difference?

Next week, we will be returning to the same area but further along the footpath where there is a bit more overgrowth, and a bit less litter. It is also mental health awareness week, and will be a #runandtalk session. This is being promoted by Mind UK, and we may have some extra runners, so make sure they feel welcome. And indeed, if you know anyone who suffers from mental health problems who might benefit from a #runandtalk then please do bring them along. Sign up here.

We also have an extra starter session next week on Friday as part of the Essex County Council Art of the Possible Festival. An extra Group run on Friday Lunchtime on 14th October. So you can sign up to that one here

Happy Running.


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