Wednesday 17th April 2024
Report written by Brahma Pochee
This week's RWQ could've been gone either way, but as it happens, it nose-dived into a fast-flowing mountain river, strewn with jagged rocks. I mean "what's your favourite pair of shoes ever?" isn't that inspired, but I know strange people that could've talked about their best running shoes, for like an hour. I know too many runners. Anyway, we still had some solid responses; old converses, NFL shoes, vegetarian shoes, track racing spikes, some fluffy slippers and a pair of swanky boots.
We completed a couple of types of post related jobs at the Get Out Garden. Dismantling and decanting a com-post-er, and supporting posts to divide the garden. Like a postman, you guys delivered the goods. We cleared the old structure of palettes and dropped the compost onto some beds, while discussing insects, jobs, and comedy. Kev and Hils, ably knocked in some posts with no tools but enough ingenuity to make it happen.
And Kev, before i forget, cloud seeding; releasing of silver iodide into the atmosphere, which has a similar structure to ice, hence attracts it, and forms rain.
Next week, it's Hackney Adventure Playground. Sign up here.
Have a corking weekend, some LM spectating perhaps.
Till next week,