Wednesday 12th October 2016
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10 goodgymers run to clear nettles from a footpath
On a wet and cold Wednesday evening, 10 goodgymers turned up to complete this week's task. We said a warm welcome to new goodgymer Lisa before setting off from the warm foyer of Leisure World to Sheepen Road via Castle park for stage 2 of path clearance and litter picking.
A quick stop off to Colchester Borough Council to collect a "suspicious package" (a few minutes later and we could have been surrounded by the bomb squad) containing the hedge trimmers, litter pickers and gloves we then made our way to a footpath overgrown with nettles on both sides.
After 20 minutes of trimming and hacking at nettles, sight of a "python" and a number of stings, the path looked considerably clearer and our work there was done. Now for the training session! We made our way to the industrial estate behind the Range, which has become a regular haunt of the gymers of good, to complete 400metre reps.
Once the session was complete, we gathered to catch our breath - now visible in the cold Autumnal air, and had a gentle jog back to Leisure World to complete our warm down. Whilst warming down, Angela mentioned the Goodgym session being held on Friday lunchtime in conjunction with Colchester Rivercare.
Another great session completed. Well done everyone!
Run report written by Catherine Darkins
Yes, this Friday we have an extra run, which is part of Essex County Council's Art of the Possible Festival, so Sign up here if you wish to join us.
Then next week, we will be returning to Colchester Food Bank to work our magic cleaning their warehouse again. Sign up here.
Help keep paths clear of trip hazards for elderly residents