Sweepstakes for sweeping stakes

13 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Charlotte Mckane
Jason Thorne
Valè Pico
Nathalie Levi
Caz Steer
Phill Stone
Julie M
Jenny Chak
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Tuesday 31st August 2021

Jenny Chak
Jenny Chak


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Report written by Jenny Chak

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13 GoodGymmers - unlucky for some but lucky for the SouthVILLE centre and their ever-sweepable yard.

After making our own way to the task (some of us running in a group, but not a group run and one of us running with a bike!), Hugh set us to work sweeping and painting! A notable mention goes to Phill for scaling great heights to continue the pagoda roof using some impressive improvised apparatus.

We were delighted to welcome Charlotte to her first GoodGym session and Janka to her third GoodGym task where they were in fierce competition for the most enthusiastic sweepers! Well done, Charlotte and Janka.

After making some good progress and having some good chats we got ready to leave but not before a group photo with the invisible GoodGym basketballer making an appearance (unconfirmed but very likely rumours suggest it was Bugs Bunny).

This task supported
BS3 Community - Southville Centre
Providing a community space for the BS3 Community
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Group Run/Walk - 11 Mar - Bric-a-Brac Bonanza
🗓Tuesday 6:20pm

We’re sorting and recycling to help raise funds to help people out of honelessness

Harsheh Raj
Richard BreakspearRamani LachyanJordan James Cogzell
7 GoodGymers are going - 23 spaces left! 👀