Wednesday 24th October 2018
Report written by Brahma Pochee
A dozen heroes showed for our Canal & River Trust task yesterday. Armed with just head torches and get up and go.
To our befuddlement a new running group was in the Aquatics centre, with flashy uniform Nike gear...and haircuts. Kev stood down, and we didn't get into an 80's dance off, fortunately. Outside we warmed up and talked about some of the awesome parkrun efforts, Mel's now got the bug, inside 29mins already, sub 28 is her next goal, what huge leaps. Random Weekly Question was courtesy of the aforementioned as well, "Which celebrity would you dine with?" From Adam Buxton (be a good laugh), Tom Selleck (might get moustache in your soup), Stephen Fry (take a pen & pad), Anthony Bourdain (just googled him), Jamie Oliver (that'd be pucker)....and I seem to have forgotten the rest. Must say, hope they were women!
Over to see Ross, 3.5k northbound up the canal. He unveiled our own safe box now, with litter pickers, gloves and soon head-torches too. Lovely to have a little back up task, Sharon was the one who made contact with Canal & River Trust - so thanks to her we'll always have something to do now (but pure fitness sessions are still not dead!). We locked into hawk eye mode, and picked up plenty of litter, Dan even found a boat, albeit a small deflated one, still a good catch. It was then deposited on the 'hopper' boat, which I'm told is 90% recycled.
Another relatively relaxed task - but with a longer run either side. 7k in total for the eve - not too shabby at all. Good prep for next week's 10k task, we'll aim to leave nice and punctually for that one. With some talk about Halloween themed outfits/face paint for the run - I'll let us decide on the whatsapp group.
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Have a groovy week and weekend - keep up the good fight
Well-organised storage to enable the distribution of much-needed clothing to families and individuals seeking asylum across East London.