Monday 21st February 2022
Report written by Liz
We met outside Papagayo for a short warm-up. Big news for GG Brent - Helen was successful in the ballot and has won a place in the London Landmarks half-marathon!
After a quick run back to school, everyone was ready to set to work! The first task was to sand-down the Wendy-house. The next task was to open the tin of varnish. This task sadly led to a broken key. However, the team were undefeated and eventually used a small shovel to open the tin! The final task was to varnish the house.
The team were hard workers and the task was quickly completed. Just in time, to run back to Papagayo. The reward for the star students was a drink and chips after the run.
Well done team!
Fri 25th Feb 2022 at 10:13pm
Nice report
Helping out after Christmas