Wednesday 8th July 2020
Report written by Emily McCunn
A straightforward and specific job this evening: clearing the GoodGym seafront flower bed and planting it up with new flowers ready for summer. Belinda and John arrived equipped with top soil, geraniums and a special GoodGym addition, and were joined by Emily and Paul - trowel and fork, respectively, in hands. The old dried up plants were quickly removed, bulbs relocated and soil turned. Next was the exciting bit of the task: adding John’s extremely clever and hand-crafted GoodGym runners. Special measures were taken to ensure wandering hands couldn’t easily remove the models, including incorporating a few bits of beach. The end result is, to put it mildly, beautiful 😊. Finally the geraniums - in GoodGym red of course - were liberally added, a few tweaks made to some recycled plants and job done. Bang on 6.30pm. Perfect. All we have to do now is wait and enjoy the display (and the odd bit of watering; look out for opportunities soon)!
Thu 9th Jul 2020 at 1:02pm
Hi, where did you get the GG hoodies from please? Thanks Ian GG Colchester
Thu 9th Jul 2020 at 7:55pm
Hi Ian, they are not official GG kit but we do so many outdoor tasks in the winter & wanted to promote GG at the same time instead of hiding our t-shirts under jackets!
Help bring some calm to this busy time