Saturday 21st October 2023
Report written by Kash
When you feel a little bit down and lazy, looking at the rain outside, the best remedy is actually going outside. You will appreciate how lucky you are to have a dry, cosy home to return to later on. And keeping moving will keep you warm and upbeat! - Random Ealing GoodGymer
That's how Sevan and Kash started their day. The uphill 8km run to North Greenford in pouring rain made them feel young and alive. On the way, they checked with Mike whether the conservation day was still going ahead - and yes, it did!
Today the team started at the top of the lane leading to David Lloyd, near Sudbury Hill station. The proximity to the main road meant closeness to the off-licence shops. The closeness to those stores meant that the overgrown spot behind the corner of the street was a notorious place for budget beer tasting. The beverage connoisseurs didn't seem to realise there was no table service and kept leaving empty cans and bottles behind.
After our quite successful litterpicking effort of LAGER Can and Friends of Grove Farm a week ago, some rubbish still remained on site, hidden in the bushes. A fair amount of cans were also dumped throughout the week.
While the long-term strategy is to encourage the residents to report the incidents of drinking in that hideaway, today our mission was to get rid of the small part of the problem: the bushes. Getting rid of shops selling alcohol to already drunk customers would be too ambitious for this Saturday!
Mike dived into his car trunk to fish out Kash's dream tool.
Kash only comes here to play with the hedge trimmer. - Sevan
While Kash was swooshing around in the open field with the ultimate Bramble Begone Blade, razing thorny stalks and nettles to the ground, Sevan was working the loppers, methodically ploughing through the blackberry bushes growing between the trees. The other volunteers: Mike, Anna, Olena and Portia were chopping the bushes with shears, picking freshly exposed litter and raking the trimmings to build a form of a dead hedge. Sevan went so deep between the trees, that he didn't notice at first that a barrier made of raked brambles started building behind him, blocking his way out! Fortunately, he hacked his way out with the loppers.
The result of today's clearout was pretty impressive!
Conservation work in Grove Farm a nature reserve in North Greenford. We do a variety of tasks including clearing brambles to improve plant diversity, planting trees, creating ponds. Also litter picking when required.
See moreEaling
Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services