Wednesday 23rd February 2022
Report written by David Chatterjee
6 runners ran to help SVP Springfield measure curtains for those in need
After some superb work by our sort-of-current run leader legend Laurie, we met at our new home, the Old Factory ARU Gym. It has changing rooms, car park, lockers, toilets and water we can use so we were all very excited - even if I couldn't find the car park...
We had a quick chat about our new locale and set off like the wind, well, not quite like the wind we have recently have had. Andy led us on our way and 3km later we made it to the church, even if Joe tried to hurl himself over a rogue branch for no apparent reason. There were what looked like a huge number of curtains for us to measure, label, and fold so we got to work without even any 'do the carpets match the curtains' jokes. Shocking.
We made a huge dent in the curtain measuring - they will be used for those in need who move to the area and don't have the means to purchase curtains themselves. It is a small thing that most people don't really consider but make a huge impact on quality of life. After some absolutely superb banana bread made by our wonderful host Jenny, Charlie led us on the way back to our new home.
Great to see everyone and don't forget we have the social this Thursday 3rd March at the Golden Fleece from 7pm. We will be doing the pub quiz - I need all the help I can get after I revealed my specialist subject was 'The life and times of David Chatterjee' and Joel suggested it was unlikely to be a round.
We stand with Ukraine.
Helping people in need, befriending the elderly/isolated and providing practical help where necessary
See moreMon 28th Feb 2022 at 8:50am
This photo of Charlie is hilarious. The photo of Laurie with curtains is also hilarious for different reasons...