
Community mission

Cut back, cut back, cut back to where you once could run!

10 GoodGymers made their way 3.2km to help the Canals and Rivers Trust and Sustrans in Leicester.

  • Huw Davies
  • Leicester runner
  • Lindsay Fung
  • Jeanette Douglas
  • Michaela
  • Lambeth runner
  • Stu Coe
  • Removed User
  • Leicester runner
  • Tracey Deacon
Tuesday, 8th of September 2020
Led by Huw Davies

One evening, two tasks!

A splendid night's work for GG Leicester tonight as ten of us tackled two identical tasks for two different organisations. We welcomed Tracey along for her first good deed and she joined Lindsay and Huw for a run/walk along the river after the task too - give her a cheer! We were also delighted to have Steve's daughter Pippa along from GG Lambeth - she's now visted TEN different GoodGym groups on her travels! Bravo!

With our group size limited to six we split into two groups of five to carry out some work for both the Canal & River Trust and Sustrans cutting back vegetation that was encroaching on the riverside paths and the National Cycle Network in the city.

Task 1 - Canal & River Trust

Sharon, Stu, Steve, Pippa and Huw headed off north along the river towards Rally Park, snipping back rogue overhanging greenery en route before arriving at the main obstruction - the footbridge over the river at the turn towards Frog Island. Such was the extent of the blockage we managed to fill half a dozen 100 litre bags in just a ten metre section clearing the way for walkers and cyclists to get across the bridge smoothly and safely. Steve and Huw also managed to nip over the bridge to tackle a few overhanging branches as a bonus.

Task 2 - Sustrans National Cycle Network

Mel, Michaela, Jen (sporting her brand new GoodGym Angel top!), Lindsay and Tracey headed over the road from DMU to carry out the same job on the cycle path leading to Bede Park. They did a cracking job too clearing so much green stuff it really did seem like the path felt so much more spacious as we ran down it on our post run trot.

Back at base we feared that plan A (loading all the bags into Huw's boot to take to the tip) might backfire by the sheer amount we had collected but it just about squeezed in perfectly.

Super work everyone, both of those routes are heavily used by walkers, runners and cyclists and hundreds of people every day will now no longer need to duck or stop when someone is coming in the other direction!


Report written by Huw Davies

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Lindsay Fung
Lindsay Fung
Tuesday September 8th, 2020 21:41

Great task, we all really made a difference. And there is still some left for another time 😀

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Huw Davies
Led by Huw Davies

GoodGym Trainer for Leicester. Running, cricket and football enthusiast.

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    • Leicester runner
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Friday 10:30 - 12:00
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The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Leisure Centre

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