Saturday 12th June 2021
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Michal Czekajlo
The space where the church community hall used to be is being transformed into an open community garden and we were called to help make it happen.
Katie, a local artist who uses the space at the church for her studio had three tasks laid out for us this morning.
Leanne, Kathryn, Michal and Paul went to dig over section of the garden by the brick wall, remove any weeds and stones and add fresh compost to raise the ground level and make it more nutritious for new plants. Meanwhile Katie picked up a brush and some paint and applied her skill to make the wooden fence beautiful. We were also asked to move a metal cabinet within the church, from the first floor to a room on the ground floor, however after a thorough assesment Michal and Paul decided that it wasn't save, due to it's weight and very narrow staircase. Gill from the church found our assesment very useful and will look at potentially dismantling the cabinet into smaller sections to make it possible to carry.
We were offered some tea and coffee and it was nice to be able to work alongside volunteers from the church, get to know them a little bit and let them know about GoodGym.
After just one hour of honest work Katie painted a large section of the fence and the rest of us dug over the entire flower bed, transported and raked in two bulk bags of steaming compost.
Happy with our efforts we posed for a team photo before heading off for a well deserved lunch.
The garden will provide a growing space, for food and flowers for Planet Food (part of the Junk food project) which serves over a hundred people weekly at their cafe, as well as selling waste food. The space will also be used by our artists in residence, for workshops, and will be open to the public to rest and enjoy. Finally it will be used by the church for its activities. We have reclaimed a piece of wasteland at the side of the church to develop the garden, but because of covid the beds became too overgrown to plant - so we need help to clear, to plant.
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Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)