Do good while getting fed

1 Goodgymer helped their local community in Ealing
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Saturday 29th July 2023



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Report written by Madhan

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It's 12 pm when I split from Kash and Sevan in West Ealing. Is it Lunch time or volunteering time, I asked myself. Why not both said the mind voice. I started walking towards such a place.

This is my second time going for a warehouse shift in the Felix project at Acton. 4th time overall with Felix(Both Poplar and Acton). The shift starts at 1 pm and arrived there at 12:45. After finishing lunch and a cup of tea, I joined the team in sorting out the food.

Took me a few minutes to shift my mind towards working in Felix, as I was still fresh with City Harvest tasks. We took out 15kg bags of potatoes and split them into three trays. After the potatoes are trayed, then came the tomatoes. There are some wonky ones in the bunch.

There were quite a lot of spoiled ones in the batch of oranges we did next. As there were a couple of second-timers and some looking for guidance on what to do next, I used my warehouse experience and did a bit of coordination, when the Felix workers went out to load the vans.

Volunteer - Where does this go?

Me - Let's put that here. And this goes there.

Volunteer - Sure

Me - Sorry, I may not be the right person to say that. I was just guessing. Better ask the Felix team

Volunteer - Well, you sounded confident and know what you are saying. Let's go with that.

While loading the oranges, I was asked to help with loading the crates into the van. We loaded two vans and it came to the end of my shift. I took an iced coffee and had a lemony donut and started walking towards Mr.S for my gardening mission.

This task supported
The Felix Project

The Felix Project collects fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold. We deliver this surplus food to charities and schools so they can provide healthy meals and help the most vulnerable in our society.

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Tea Shift at ESK 🍵🍰☕& Food Handling(Sandwiches, prep food bags)
🗓Today 11:00am

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