Monday 28th September 2020
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Ellie Griffin
Ten runners went to help out at West Bank park for an evening of two tasks.
Triple Ellie (thats Ellies G, D and McC) along with Barbara, Laura, Leanne and Izzy were quickly put to work raking the arisings in the wildflower meadow.
Egg, Katie and Jonathan were set to work lowering the height of a yew tree to match the height of one previously trimmed (read: attacked) by GoodGym.
The raking team quickly and efficiently took care of the arisings and soon came to help tackle the tree, with Barbara, Laura and Ellies D and McC giving some Geraniums a trim instead.
There was one major problem with the attendees at tonights task...none of us had quite enough height to comfortably reach where the tree needed trimming. That didn't stop us though, we sawed and pulled and even at one point used a belt to help fell the branches.
Can I put my belt back on now?
It was all hands on deck in the last 10 minutes, hacking as much of the tree down as possible. Sadly we didn't quite manage to give the pesky tree a full haircut, thats a job for another day and a much taller team!
Conservation work, edible planting, annual fairs and Christmas carols, pop-up cafes, fundraising to develop the park and playground, campaigning against cuts to the park's budgets, locking and unlocking the park each day and night, involving the community in decision-making about the park, children's and family activities, volunteering opportunities, etc etc!!
See moreMon 28th Sep 2020 at 10:11pm
Lizzie reckons we've made the tree look like a pineapple!
Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)