Wednesday 8th March 2023
Report written by David Chatterjee
What terrible weather it was today - but Fay leapt to the rescue! We were going to be outside but she managed to get us an indoor task at the last minute - superstar!
We met in the cold and rain, the snow long since gone, and had a chat while I got a standing ovation for the quiz victory on Sunday.
We pootled the way to the top of the Meadows, chatting as we do. Good luck to Richard with the course he is doing, and I can only assume Andy banged on about a certain football result from this weekend.
We met Edith and needed to move all the chairs, the dragons, ironing board, and poles (amongst other things) to clear space for artists in the coming weeks. We will be painting the area soon. We were thanked for our speed, a great example of many hands making light work.
Edith invited us to submit a float into the parade in July - she can provide the wheels, we need to get creative and start making! send all ideas to Jenny who volunteered to do some CAD drawings. Should be fun!
Great to see everyone and a fantastic turnout considering the weather! Hopefully see you all - and more - next week! Do also check out the socials we have coming up, another pub quiz next month and a roast dinner on 30th April which Joe wanted to sample now
The Ideas Hub offers the opportunity to participate in and/or host events, exhibitions and workshops in our flexible event and meetings spaces. Our aim is to foster creativity & community spirit in Chelmsford.
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