Friday 19th April 2019
Report written by Portsmouth runner
Meeting at Baffins Library, Judy, Angela, Rachel and Mel set off with litter pickers, gloves, bags and buckets to Great Salterns. What a beautiful sunny day to go litter picking although, the fast walk there got us feeling the heat and reaching for our water. On reaching one of many paths leading to the open fields, Tess was let off her lead to explore and make some doggie friends and we found lots of bits and bobs to start collecting including the usual cigarette butt's and lighters. Lots of stubborn food wrappers half buried and some pieces of ball other unrecognisable items chewed up and spat out by the mower! Our token item of clothing was a glove! We managed to fill one bag of rubbish and both buckets with plastic and glass objects and made our way back to Baffins. After dropping off the equipment, Tess who was going off for a drink and nap, and the recycling and rubbish bag dropped off at the appropriate places, we visited Beeny's for ice cold milkshakes, tea, cake and Tuna melts in the shade very satisfied with our haul.