Monday 18th February 2019
Report written by JULIA GLEESON
On a roll
Meeting at our alternative meeting point at Worthing Leisure Centre the walking group comprising of Belinda and John set off promptly at 6 pm for the 2.5 km to our task this evening whilst the runners comprising of Emily, Duncan and Jay and myself followed close ( in a loose sense) behind.
With Paula lost in Worthing , Jay and Duncan taking a front running detour ,John and Belinda arriving strongly ahead of the runners and Paul meeting us at task it was fairly miraculous that we all ended up at the same place at the same time .... well almost ! Paula remained on her scenic tour of Worthing for a while longer ....
This evening we were back at The Rowans , a rehabilitation day centre for brain injured patients, for our first task of the year.
We where warmly met by Debbie who outlined our task for the evening which was painting skirting boards and door frames to give the current current dull brown colour a glossy grey face lift.
These are tearable puns
The team wasted no time in masking the wall and carpet with tape to prevent any wobbly lines before piling into the painting.
The question is,and you need to look at the photos for the answer to this ,who is going to claim kudos for adopting the most efficient and ergonomic pose for painting those floor level boards ?!
With approximately 16 metres of skirting boards and 3 door frames seamlessly completed the team took a moment to admire what they had achieved in such a short amount of time before moving to an adjacent room for our fitness session in the relative comfort of the indoors ( Spoilt tonight!)
Double Trouble
Tonight it was fitness combined with partner support. The team were divided into pairs with the idea that whilst one exercised the other motivated ( whilst also trying to regain breath! ) before high fiving the other into action.
With a plethora of exercises including shuttle runs, tricep dips , burpees , tuck jumps ,jumping jacks press ups, squats and high knees drills the teams completed a rolling interval of 2 minutes. This particularly focused on their cardio energy combined with upper and lower body strength and flexibility.
The Empire Strides Back
Exercises done the group split into 3 again with everyone returning to WLC at their own stride length and pace before convening for stretches and a final bit of discussion about next weeks task.
Please do watch the website and whats app thread as its highly likely that the advertised task is going to change.
Here's to a great week of running in the warmth in our favourite borough of Worthing . Keep your eyes and ears peeled for any organisations or charities who may benefit from our super powers.
Happy running and walking to you all ,
Have a great week :)
The Rowans centre offers a specialist service for people with an acquired brain injury (ABI), physical, sensory or memory impairment, physical disabilities or complex needs.
See moreTue 19th Feb 2019 at 9:27am
I'm feeling sorry for Paula again now, reading this!
Help bring some calm to this busy time