Tuesday 22nd September 2020
Report written by Judy Knapp
Today's beach clean involved a bit of beach, a stretch of coastal path, an area of grass and the harbourside car park.
Angela, Geraldine, Maxine, Catherine and I did a thorough job of litter-picking a section of Langstone harbour / Eastern Road.
There were countless cigarette ends in the car park, windblown litter on the path and buried plastic emerging through the soil on this previous landfill area. And on the beach, there was the usual fishing line and random pieces of plastic caught in the seaweed on the high tide line.
But the comedy find of the day was a boot that had been in the sea long enough for the seaweed to have taken root. Angela and Catherine had a tug of war to pull the seaweed away!
At least 2 thank-yous from passers-by today!