
Group run

GoodGym Worthing tops Trump

16 GoodGymers made their way 5.9km to help the Creative Waves in Worthing.

  • Rosalind Reason
  • Duncan Anderson
  • Belinda Robinson
  • Michelle Hughes
  • Tamsin
  • Lucy Booth
  • Anne Blokhus
  • Paul Woodcock
  • Barbara Barrett
  • Worthing runner
  • Emily McCunn
  • Paula Marten
  • John Robinson
  • Andy
  • Keith
Monday, 3rd of June 2019

More than a stroll in the park

Tonight on a beautiful although rather windy evening in sunny Worthing we welcomed a record turn out for Worthing. This included parkrunner and newbie Keith A huge GG Worthing welcome and we hope that you enjoyed your first task and run and that it will be the first of many!

Added to this and fresh from their hols Duncan and Lucy .Not so fresh but victorious from the Worthing 10 were Paul,Jay ,and Michelle. Well done all of you on fabulous times in tough hot conditions.

Sporting their new GG t'shirts were Anne in black and Andy in red . John, Belinda, Ros, Emily , Tamsin, Barbara and Paula all looked really smart too meaning we were a sea of black and red running along the streets of Worthing.

Walkers and jalkers set off a little earlier than the runners on a slightly extended warm up run but all convened at the task on schedule.

Its a bugs Life

This evening we returned to help our friends at Bugs Cycle community garden . We were warmly welcomed by Nadia and Vanessa who commented on our fantastic turn out and just how effective we are when we turn out in force.

Nadia has already requested a return visit later in the summer to this unique and quirky community green space.

The group split into 4 different tasks including rubbing down the speedboat and 2 bench seats , watering with the huge jugs ( Lucy! ) weeding and general tidying up.

.....Oh and one very important additional task too which Emily and Tamsin were in charge of. This was sorting out Jays next date ( Check out the photos of this trio ! )

30 short minutes later but with a huge amount of progress the team posed for photos before splitting into 3 groups to head up to manor park for our weekly fitness session.

Front running group went on a detour to add in a bit more mileage whilst walkers were led astray by John and mid group were just perfect :)


Whilst I swept up the walkers Belinda set the group off on 2 crocodile drills around the park before joining me for some core drills designed to tighten and strengthen back and ab muscles. This resulted a fair amount of moans and groaning but nothing different to the normal level of rumbling.

We finished the core work with the plank game which with the size of the group proved challenging but lots of FUN !

On track for the June challenge

We finished the fitness session with 100 metre relay which ignited some competitiveness within the group but was really only meant for some light hearted fun filled fitness:)

The group split into 3 groups again with some running directly home and some returning to Splashpoint LC where Lucy lead the stretches whilst I headed off in search of those naughty walkers who had given me the slip again!

All safely reunited we had chat about the June challenge and the various options / combination that will work.

I will leave you with a few definitions of the word challenge.

A task or situation that tests someones abilities

Invite someone to do something that one thinks is difficult or impossible

and finally

Impossible is nothing. Nothing is impossible

Have a great week everyone and stay focused and committed to the challenge. Remember walking , jalking and running all counts !

Thanks for an amazing evening . Heres to many more summer GG experiences.

Dont forget the BIG social on Sunday 30th June . 2 pm group run. 3 pm BBQ/ picnic . Everyone welcome. bring the kids too!

Julia X

Report written by JULIA GLEESON

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English Martyrs School Fence painting

Wednesday 18:00 - 19:30
English Martyrs School

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