Monday 8th February 2021
Find out about GoodGym TaskForce
Report written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)
At the slightly earlier time of 6pm (because it was cold and we wanted to get home and warm/join in with Michal's HIIT session) Debs, Leanne, Micheal and Ed met for more gritting shenanigans. The plan was simple, each person grab a barrow full of grit, drop them off at various point around the park and grit to your heart's content
The task was made slightly harder by Ed forgetting his head torch, but he soon m,ade up for that by inventing a new gritting technique called 'the tosser'. simply pick up grit, do a bowling kind of motion and release!
Whilst Ed and Debs mastered the intricacies of this new tactic, Micheal and Leanne persevered with the tried and tested flicking technique, and in fairness probably covered a lot more ground
Once the whole park was beautifully gritted we returned to the meeting point, somehow minus one wheelbarrow and one security light. As soon as they were found we said our goodbyes and headed home to the warmth/fitness
Conservation work, edible planting, annual fairs and Christmas carols, pop-up cafes, fundraising to develop the park and playground, campaigning against cuts to the park's budgets, locking and unlocking the park each day and night, involving the community in decision-making about the park, children's and family activities, volunteering opportunities, etc etc!!
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Tending trees for the future (you’re welcome to join for any time you can spare!)