It's always cheddar to give than receive

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in Southwark
Emma McNally
Adam Quigley
Sam Lefevre
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Friday 22nd October 2021

Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre


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Report written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

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Four GoodGymer met up at St George The Martyr to help out at the Food Cooperative that has been setup there to aide those in need. People would pay £4.50 for a subsidized shop (worth £25).

Emma and Sam were the first ones there and met Adam the main coordinator of the show. We had three/four tasks to do within the next two hours.

Firstly, we had to take in the food that was donated from places like Borough Market, Fairshare and other local vendors (Gail's etc.). We had to put the same items in yellow crates and store them on similar shelves. It was around this time that Adam and then Ivy joined in to help categorise.

Once all the obvious food were put away in yellow crates then the hard part came. Like an odd Maths exam, we had to determine what miscellaneous items (that were left) were worth and this would determine if they were put in a yellow (cheap), pink (middle) or red (expensive) crate. Two yellow crates is one pink and three yellow is one red ...

The second task was to bag up the assortment of Gail's pastries from cinnamon swirls to almond and chocolate pan au chocolats into packs of 4 and that would classify as a pink item. There was also bread, which Emma and Adam had to cling film wrap to ensure their freshness can be kept for a few more days! 🥖

Finally, there was the cheese task to an the session. With a cheese cutter and scale at hand, Sam had to cut chucks of cheddar from a massive block to chunks of 200g of cheddar....let's just say at least a couple blocks of cheddar are actually 200 grams...the others are over or under by...5g - 50g?!? Emma had a go too and found it difficult to get it close, yet she did get one block on the dot (200g). Meanwhile, Adam and Nigel (food cooperative volunteer) bagged up the cheese and labelled them whilst Ivy vacuum packed them to seal their freshness. 🧀

The two hours were up, but not before we could take a few goodies - apple crumble and almond cookies were on offer! 🤤

It's great to know this community mission exists and if anyone is free on Monday, Wednesday or Friday afternoon, it is highly recommended to volunteer here for the afternoon. 🙌

This task supported

The food cooperative provides members with low cost food to help reduce food bills and tackle food insecurity. It also reuses surplus food to prevent food being thrown away.

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Sorting & Stocking @ Borough Food Cooperative
🗓Today 12:30pm

Tackles food insecurity and reuses surplus food to prevent food being thrown away!

One GoodGymer is going - 3 spaces left! 👀