It's the season, for spades and flower plantin'... Berry Christmas, everyone!

4 Goodgymers helped their local community in Bristol
Nathalie Levi
Shreena Parmar
Phill Stone
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Saturday 18th December 2021

Phill Stone
Phill Stone


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Report written by Phill Stone

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It was a bit nippy this morning but that didn't stop the four of us from getting stuck in at the Berry Maze one last time for the year.

Rich did a fantastic job of removing weeds with precision, as the pathway looks incredibly neat and tidy.

Nathalie put some more flowers in the ground, before joining Shree with giving the raspberry bushes a haircut.

I had fun making a new border for the wine berries and actually managed to not completely destroy all the turf doing it, meaning it could be transferred somewhere useful.

Cheers for coming everyone, see you in the new year!

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Friday Farm Frolics
🗓Today 8:00am

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4 GoodGymers are going - 4 spaces left! 👀