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1 Goodgymer helped their local community in Ealing
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Friday 10th November 2023

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Report written by Lambeth runner

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Today's offerings at ESK were pasta and meatballs, or smoked salmon and veggie pasta salad. I jumped in to help out the kitchen team with dishing out plates, desserts, cleaning and all the usual bits.

It was a relatively chill lunch service compared to other busier weeks, which is probably a good thing, as three separate volunteers (including myself) confined three different soup ladles to the deepest pits of the pot within about as many minutes.

This task supported
Ealing Soup Kitchen
A faith-based Soup Kitchen that provides food, advocacy, & practical help for the vulnerable & homeless

Ealing Soup Kitchen is a registered charity set up to help the vulnerable and homeless in the area. Nine local churches support our faith-based Soup Kitchen, which has been running since 1973.

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Tea Shift at ESK 🍵🍰☕& Food Handling(Sandwiches, prep food bags)
🗓Today 11:00am

Help run drop-in service on a Friday where homeless can get free clothes and wellbeing services

One GoodGymer is going - no space left 😢