Tuesday 22nd December 2020
Report written by Bill Edmonds
Tim, our neighbour and friend, died sadly and suddenly a couple of weeks ago. He was a great "litter picker". He regularly plied the lanes and roads to and from Aylsham and could not pedal past a piece of litter or useful bit of firewood without stopping to pick it up. He often came back with shopping and litter jumbled in his bike basket and a fallen branch balanced across his handlebars. He was a lovely man and we all miss him lots. Today was Tim's funeral. Covid meant that only a few people could attend but many of us in the village were able to help with arrangements and decorate the church in full Christmas style as he would have liked. Katy did some flowers and we set up our old carol singing lanterns outside the church porch. Then, as the service took place, we did a litter pick along the lanes and the railway path. We dived into hedges, fought with thorns and scrambled down muddy slopes to make sure we got a good haul and did a job worthy of Tim. Two bags if litter may sound like a very odd memorial for anyone but we know it's one Tim would appreciate.
Tue 22nd Dec 2020 at 6:33pm
That's a lovely and very personal tribute.
Tue 22nd Dec 2020 at 7:58pm
Thanks Jo, that's very kind. Tim was from a unique mould and it feels like a lovely old tree you pass every day has suddenly blown down. But it has brought into focus how supportive our village community can be in dark times. On a brighter note, I really like your group's Christmas get together idea. Sounds like you've got a great GG community there in Liverpool! Good luck and we hope your Christmas is good despite the circumstances.
Fri 5th Feb 2021 at 10:21pm