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1 Goodgymer helped an isolated person in Hackney
Removed User
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Wednesday 27th May 2020

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Report written by Removed User

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As if 'more reasons' are needed....the feel good factor before, during and long after is enough, let alone being able to do something for someone else. However, the lovely chat I had with Mrs H and her son when I delivered the shopping they wanted was a huge bonus!

I'm enjoying the supermarket visits as it's not how I tend to shop. It's a good job really because my goodness the temptation to buy EVERYTHING I don't need is strong in me!!

I was particularly impressed with how much I managed to get today for just under £20 :) The 'other' list will have to wait for another day.

It was soon time to head off for mission no. 2 after a quick bite to eat, so not much time for more interesting photos today. So in honour of the red GG jersey of joy, here's the only joke I know that includes the word red*.

What's big, red and eats rocks?!

A big red rock-eater.

*it's the only joke I know, learned when I was about 7 I think

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Nick Moore

Thu 28th May 2020 at 3:46pm

Great work Khara on completing the list and coming in under budget - sounds like Mrs H was pleased too. You must also be the first (only?) runner to quote a Bennett Cerf riddle in a run report...

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